Tuesday, September 12, 2006

dollar dollar bills y'all

I for one am absolutely appalled at the tactless 9/11 fifth anniversary coverage every network and cable news station (with the partial exception of CNN) paraded out yesterday. ABC produced a made for TV movie sensationalizing the event. Disgusting. Our greatest national tragedy gets the same respect as the Nancy Kerrigan story. Coverage I stumbled upon on A&E and other cable stations was just as bad, recreating victim's mornings with all the detached insincerity of an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. I didn't even watch Fox News' coverage. But I have no problem trashing it with absolutely no knowledge of what it was about. I'm sure it was a joke. The coverage I saw on CNN was the only coverage that did not make me throw up in my mouth. At least they had a sense of perspective on the matter and traced the origins of Osama Bin Laden's (remember him?) involvement.

Then I had to look at President Bush's jackass mug on every network station, explaining that we're safe, but not safe. Again, we're safe, but not safe. And once again trying to connect the war in Iraq with increased security at home. Bullshit.

In the end, I think the only telecast to do justice to the tragedy was Monday Night Football, offering a respectful moment of silence in remembrance of all those who lost their lives. That is all that is needed. Respect and remembrance.

Network news, seriously, go kill yourself.