we're watching you
As a nation, we recoil whenever its time to face the 9/11 boogeyman in the closet. It was a tragic event for this country. But get over it and stop letting those who wish to oppress you make you live your lives in fear. And I'm not talking about this absurd abstraction of the "axis of evil", or "islamo-fascists", or the "evil devils, they're all gonna kill you, oh my god, oh my god" or whatever the fuck the Bush administration is calling them these days. I'm talking about our own government, the power structure in our own country. They've recast what it means to be an American. The values of liberty and dissent have been replaced by loyalty and obedience, and they have created a culture of fear in order to instill these values and beat down opposition. Dictators rule through fear. Through violence and intimidation. But our own dictators are more clever than that. They purport to be our protectors. The Great Protector. The Great Benefactor. They hide behind the spector of a terrorist attack thats never going to come, an attack that if it does come they won't be able to stop anyways (remember, they're 0-1 on that count, no matter what they say), and they use it as a pretext to systematically strip us of our freedoms. To keep us cowering in our homes.
Every day this country marches along towards becoming a police state. Secretly detaining "illegal combatants", holding them for years without charging them with a crime. Torturing detainees. The education department is turning over financial aid records to the FBI. The White House is trying to slip through bills that allow for violations of the Geneva Convention and that gives retroactive immunity, dating back to september 11, 2001, to CIA agents that used illegal techniques in interrogations. And we all march in line, resigned to our fate. A few voices are raised now and again, but its not enough. And they aren't saying anything. Mostly its idealists from the 60s era who can't give up the ghost. Potesting out of a sense of nostalgia. And our generation is just apathetic. Sure, we turn out for P. Diddy's vote or die campaign. We watch that faux liberal wanna-be-indie fuck Gideon Iago report on the Iraq War. But in reality we dont do shit. And we dont give a shit. Because we're comfortable.
Everyone needs to wake the fuck up. You can always just wake up...
anything to numb/
anything to encourage ignorance/
anything to numb/
anything to put us to sleep
Every day this country marches along towards becoming a police state. Secretly detaining "illegal combatants", holding them for years without charging them with a crime. Torturing detainees. The education department is turning over financial aid records to the FBI. The White House is trying to slip through bills that allow for violations of the Geneva Convention and that gives retroactive immunity, dating back to september 11, 2001, to CIA agents that used illegal techniques in interrogations. And we all march in line, resigned to our fate. A few voices are raised now and again, but its not enough. And they aren't saying anything. Mostly its idealists from the 60s era who can't give up the ghost. Potesting out of a sense of nostalgia. And our generation is just apathetic. Sure, we turn out for P. Diddy's vote or die campaign. We watch that faux liberal wanna-be-indie fuck Gideon Iago report on the Iraq War. But in reality we dont do shit. And we dont give a shit. Because we're comfortable.
Everyone needs to wake the fuck up. You can always just wake up...
anything to numb/
anything to encourage ignorance/
anything to numb/
anything to put us to sleep
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